Cambourne Art Exhibition For EACH

Neil Graham-Cameron

There's a wonderful symbiosis present in the partnership of Cambridgeshire-based photographers Sion Eleri and Neil Graham-Cameron. Embracing the old-fashioned analogue methods of taking a photograph, their combined portfolio contains a plethora of beautifully captured moments from the natural and built environments, predominantly in and around Cambridge.

They seem to share an appreciation of the quality, the value of a shadow against a wall. They see the majesty of an old man leaning against a pillar, gracefully smoking a pipe, where the rest of us might see nothing more than an old man. They see these moments and are compelled to preserve them, cheating the relentlessness of time passing.
Neil was born in London just before the second world war when the family moved lock stock and barrel to the north of England to avoid the predicted air raids.

His work career spanned a number of creative jobs including departmental store display work in Cardiff, then London’s West End. He met an architect and did a couple of years’ informal training with him, after which he worked full time for a London trade exhibition firm organising the exhibition display work at The Albert Hall, Olympia and Earls Court. Then a while designing solo exhibition stands and two dimensional graphics. Having had a long interest in photography it was about that time that the bug got him and, with his natural instinct to appreciate form, colour and light, made him take the picture-taking seriously.

His association with the advertising industry meant more contact with professional photographers and a substantial amount of hands on art direction – all the time refining his creative perception and ability.
Neil still uses film cameras as he likes making judgements based on four very basic control elements – shutter speed, aperture, film type and the potential of the subject. He also enjoys the somewhat more substantial ‘feel’ of a film camera and its mechanism. He has stuck with the medium in this form and uses 35mm Nikon bodies and lenses.

When in a search for inspiration, Neil ‘browses’ common locations, town or country, and searches for close objects which have attracted him by their shape or colours. Optionally, seeing a more distant object from a new angle or visualising it cropped to emphasise a finely judged curve or shadow line.

Occasionally, he succumbs to what he describes as chocolate box images – pretty shots – nevertheless, with some soul!

Sion & Neil have their own website here and an

Ovenden Contemporary profile here.

The following is an extract from The Bullet magazine (Summer 2008 edition). It is an interview with Neil & Sion conducted by Craig Kerrecoe in Cambridge...